
Chapter 14

https://www.dropbox.com/dropquest2012/chapter14?h=480a44bc8360f6f3ということで、この数独を解くと あとは15パズル(8パズル)を解くだけ。翌日へ。

Chapter 12

We descended from the clouds into the harsh environment of the Antarctic. There was ice as far as the eye could see, and we managed to fly by a few penguins on our way in. Benny's directions led us straight to an empty patch of ice that wa…

Chapter 11

Hey, I've got directions to your next stop (and the last part you need), but you'll need to do a little deciphering.I've encoded this message using one of the early file encryption schemes that Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi tried out bef…

Chapter 10

Even after inviting our benefactor to Dropbox, we've still got no word from him. So after you suggested we do some more exploring, we headed back into the city. It's kind of strange seeing how some everyday places have evolved over time-- …

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 に入ると、25個のファイルが入ったフォルダ Onboard Computer Update がDropboxquest 2012 フォルダの中に作られる。(こういう仕組み、面白いね) Well, it seems like we can trust our mysterious benefactor for now... we've got one plasmon…