


emacs のインストール TeX 関連 emacs のインストール https://github.com/chuntaro/NTEmacs64 TeX 関連 http://www.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~abenori/soft/abtexinst.html

Windows 自体

メニューの出し方(ショートカット) Ctrl2Caps の入れ替え デスクトップユースに(初期画面) メニューの出し方(ショートカット) デスクトップで、Windowsキー + x で、各種メニューが出る。 たとえば、コマンドプロンプトを出すのもここから選べる。 Ctr…

Windows 8.1 に適応する

2014年の9月から Dell Inspiron 17 を利用しているが,これがWindows 8.1 ではなはだ使いにくい。半年たっても慣れず、困っているが適応しないわけにもいかないなあと思っていたところ、OSの再インストールをしたほうがよい事態に遭遇したので、これを機に W…


http://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/atlife/tips/windows/windows8/025/default.aspxcygwin のターミナル 日本語が出ないときは、option -> text で日本語フォントを指定する。


HHK をWindows 7で使う話

HHK Lite 2 US配列 をWindows 7で使おうとすると、 どうもうまくいかない。IMEを通して使うと、 なぜか日本語106?キーボードとして認識されてしまうため、いろいろと不便。で調べてなんとかなったのでこれを解消のための手順の備忘録。 1.HHK Lite 2 をHH…

Chapter 20


Chapter 19

https://www.dropbox.com/dropquest2012/chapter19https://www.dropbox.com/static/images/dropquest2012/shmodel0.png1: 2: Audi tt 3: 72j933 (各列は1行目2行目の黒−赤(A=14で計算))

Chapter 18

https://www.dropbox.com/dropquest2012/chapter18 I figure that even though they're my enemy, I'll still spend a few minutes doing a bit of spring cleaning for them. I'll start by sorting this pile of stuff for them and dragging the right th…

Chapter 17


Chapter 16

上で得たファイルとその中身。 1.txt The mobile professional has myriad devices on which files live, which makes having a dependable syncing program a must. Dropbox (Free, 4 stars) fills that role nicely with an iPad app that evokes its desk…

Chapter 15

https://www.dropbox.com/dropquest2012/chapter15色々書いてあるが、大事なのは最後。 But the reason you were led here is because the core I planted was moved. Evil men exist in all timelines, and they're probably going to use the core again f…

Chapter 14

https://www.dropbox.com/dropquest2012/chapter14?h=480a44bc8360f6f3ということで、この数独を解くと あとは15パズル(8パズル)を解くだけ。翌日へ。

Chapter 12

We descended from the clouds into the harsh environment of the Antarctic. There was ice as far as the eye could see, and we managed to fly by a few penguins on our way in. Benny's directions led us straight to an empty patch of ice that wa…

Chapter 11

Hey, I've got directions to your next stop (and the last part you need), but you'll need to do a little deciphering.I've encoded this message using one of the early file encryption schemes that Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi tried out bef…

Chapter 10

Even after inviting our benefactor to Dropbox, we've still got no word from him. So after you suggested we do some more exploring, we headed back into the city. It's kind of strange seeing how some everyday places have evolved over time-- …

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 に入ると、25個のファイルが入ったフォルダ Onboard Computer Update がDropboxquest 2012 フォルダの中に作られる。(こういう仕組み、面白いね) Well, it seems like we can trust our mysterious benefactor for now... we've got one plasmon…

Chapter 8

Hey there,I can imagine this whole future thing is throwing you for a loop, but everything will start making sense soon. There are people watching, so we have to speak in code. I know what parts you need, and can point you to the first pie…

Chapter 7?

さて、上のリンクは前者が http://soundcloud.com/reasonable/for-sureで後者が次の画像。 後者は数列かな、と思いきや、最後の が良くわからない。 ということで、とりあえず前者のページのコメント欄をもう一度見ると、 http://soundcloud.com/reasonable/…

Chapter 6

Woo! It works! The hologram displays seem to be showing some sort of calendar, or a listing of events. But... why are the colors so messed up? Are the cables switched or something? うーん。リンクはdropboxで更新したファイルの履歴、この図は…

Chapter 5

After tracing through my steps, we've ended up in SOMA (South of Market), which I believe is where Dropbox's headquarters were at back in our time. Many hologram displays (just like the one we saw earlier) speckled the streets, but many of…

Chapter 4

(前略) Emily's message was kind of cryptic, but just maybe there are people still left...Right as we rounded a corner, a display flashed on right next to us. On it was... my errands lists from the past month??? Maybe this is some sort of …

Chapter 3

Wow, Emily actually sent us a response back!You can start automating repairs, but you'll need a password to start the process.I've encoded the password-- I can't tell you much right now, but you may be in danger. Be careful. Woah. Creepy. …

Chapter 2

で, Chapter 1 で答えを入れると, 自分のDropbox\Dropquest 2012 なるフォルダに 上で入れたファイルが作られる.それを開くと、 To replace the core, please consult the engineering team staff directory (http://www.dropbox.com/about) for further in…

Chapter 1.

私の環境では問題は、 So all of this would be easy and simple, except I forgot my 5-digit password. Should've used 1Password or something, but maybe this hint I left for myself will help. 1. The product of the first two digits is 24. 2. The…

ここ http://ipod.item-get.com/2012/05/dropbox1gbdropquest_ii24_cloud.php を見てDropbox で無料領域を稼ごうとした。 が、Chapter 1 でいきなり戸惑った。or の意味は「どれかが正解」の意味なのか? 5/20 追記.どうも人によって問題が異なるみたいです…


http://www.le.ac.uk/economics/research/RePEc/lec/leecon/econ01-8.pdfちょっと古いけれど経済系雑誌ランキング。1 AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 2 ECONOMETRICA 3 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY 5 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOM…


chrome norton (有料) dropbox