

[9-22]It is often useful to express likelihood as a numerical probability. We usually use a probability scale of 0 to 1, where 0 indicates our belief that some particular event is certain not to occur, 1 indicates our belief that it is cer…


[9-21] UNCERTAINTYProbabilityOur knowledge of how the world works is limited by at least five kinds of uncertainty: (1) inadequate knowledge of all the factors that may influence something, (2) inadequate number of observations of those fa…


[9-42]The human tendency to generalize has some subtle aspects. Once formed, generalities tend to influence people's perception and interpretation of events. Having made the generalization that the drug will help all patients having certai…


[9-39]If we apply logical deduction to a general rule (all feathered creatures fly), we can produce a conclusion about a particular instance or class of instances (penguins fly). But where do the general rules come from? Often they are gen…

[9-38]Logic has limited usefulness in finding solutions to many problems. Outside of abstract models, we often cannot establish with confidence either the truth of the premises or the logical connections between them. Precise logic require…

Science For All Americans 第9章 ”数学の世界”

Science For All Americans 第9章の訳,続き.

[9-36]Logical connections can easily be distorted. For example, the proposition that all birds can fly does not imply logically that all creatures that can fly are birds. As obvious as this simple example may seem, distortion often occurs,…


[9-35]Very complex logical arguments can be built from a small number of logical steps, which hang on precise use of the basic terms "if," "and," "or," and "not." For example, medical diagnosis involves branching chains of logic such as "I…


Science For All Americans 第9章 ”数学世界”ここ(9−1,2)と ここ(9−3から9)の続き.朝の一訳ですが,一番やりたかったのがここの節なのでとりあえず先にやってしまうことにします. [9-34] REASONINGSome aspects of reasoning have clear logica…



[9-5]Fractions are numbers we use to stand for a part of something or to compare two quantities. One common kind of comparison occurs when some magnitude such as length or weight is measured―that is, is compared to a standard unit such as …


Science For All Americans 第9章 ”数学世界”の訳,続きです.なかなか訳しづらいのは,概念としての数と記法を分けねばならない点. たとえば英語では three と 3 を,前者は概念としての3,後者はアラビア数字表現としての3と分けて書いてあります.という…

Science For All Americans 第9章 ”数学世界”

赤の女王とお茶をで面白いのものを見つけたので. Science For All Americansを翻訳しようという試みがこちら(Science For All Americans翻訳プロジェクト)ではじまったようなので,乗ってみることにします.とりあえずできそうな数学関連を. Chapter 9: …

Siuye city の成長

ようやく産業発展のレベルにまでたどり着いた(のに気づいた).今までのhttp://siuye.myminicity.com/からアクセスするだけだと人口は増えるものの産業が育たず,失業率が上がる模様. 現在失業率は4%だが・・・ これを以下http://siuye.myminicity.com/i…


活字中毒Rで事故で夫を亡くした妻が、自分の子供を突然殺した理由という話があったが,八百屋お七そのままのような. だからなんだという気もしますが,この話で取り上げられている本(『砂糖菓子の弾丸は撃ちぬけない』)の作者(桜庭一樹)は「八百屋お七…


すごいなあ. この人,初代ファミコン時代のころなんか,乳幼児じゃなかろうか.研究熱心なんでしょうねえ.全般にわたってすごく芸が細かい. にもかかわらず,それに関するコメントを誰もしていない部分があって少しかわいそう. グラディウスなんか,色々…


siuye city http://siuye.myminicity.com/自分自身の街を作るには,右っ側の「build my city」をクリックする.