

It is often useful to express likelihood as a numerical probability. We usually use a probability scale of 0 to 1, where 0 indicates our belief that some particular event is certain not to occur, 1 indicates our belief that it is certain to occur, and anything in between indicates uncertainty. For example, a probability of .9 indicates a belief that there are 9 chances in 10 of an event occurring as predicted; a probability of .001 indicates a belief that there is only 1 chance in 1,000 of its occurring. Equivalently, probabilities can also be expressed as percentages, ranging from 0 percent (no chance) to 100 percent (certainty). Uncertainties can also be expressed as odds: A probability of .8 for an event can be expressed as odds of 8 to 2 (or 4 to 1) in favor of its occurring.


見込みを数値的な確率として表すことは,しばしば有益である.通常,確率は0から1の値をとり,0はとある事象が間違いなく起こらないと信じられることを意味し,また1は間違いなく起こると信じてよいことを,そしてその間の値はどんな値でも不確実性を持つことを示している.例えば,確率 0.9 は10回のうち9回はある事象が起こると信じて良いことを意味し,0.001は1000回中1回しかそのチャンスがないことを意味する.同じことであるが,確率は0パーセント(起こりえない)から100パーセント(確実に起こる)まで値をとる,パーセント表記でも表されうる.不確実性はまた分(ぶ)としても表されうる.ある事象に対する確率が0.8であるということは,その事象は8対2(または4対1)で起こるということを示すものである.


One way to estimate the probability of an event is to consider past events. If the current situation is similar to past situations, then we may expect somewhat similar results. For example, if it rained on 10 percent of summer days last year, we could expect that it will rain on approximately 10 percent of summer days this year. Thus, a reasonable estimate for the probability of rain on any given summer day is .1―one chance in ten. Additional information can change our estimate of the probability. For example, rain may have fallen on 40 percent of the cloudy days last summer; thus, if our given day is cloudy, we would raise the estimate from .1 to .4 for the probability of rain. The more ways in which the situation we are interested in is like those for which we have data, the better our estimate is likely to be.

